Saturday, October 23, 2010



INGREDIANTS:    3 Level camp mugs self-raising flour
                               2 heaped tablespoons grated parmisan cheese
                               2 heaped tablespoons sugar
                               1 level teaspoon salt
                               1 cup of water

METHOD:    Wash your bloody hands first!

Mix the exact quantities of dry ingredients in the bowl with a spoon and make a crater in the center before adding the exact amount of water. This is critical as any more or any less will make the mix too dry or too wet.

Initially mix with the spoon and finally mix by hand in the bowl until all of the ingredients are homogenous and the lump of dough has been flattened and folded many times to get uniform disposal of moisture content.

Smoothly mould the dough into a flattish disc shape about the size of the camp oven. The inclusion of the cheese produces a golden brown damper if not overheated and is a welcome change from that slightly bland standard damper taste.

Put about 5mm of dry flour in the bottom of the camp oven prior to the damper going in and the damper will lift out with very little mess. Pre warm the oven in the sun or near the fire and keep it there with the damper in it for at least 30 minutes before cooking. This will allow the damper to rise.

Cook the damper using coals in a shallow depression, using twice as many coals on the lid as underneath. The shallow depression can be dug with a shovel about half as large again as the camp oven and coals put in the bottom. Don’t use too many coals or the damper will burn and cooking time will usually be 45 to 60 minutes.

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